"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step"-Lao Tzu

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Solitary Travels...

So I have decided after hemming and hawing to go to Prince Edward Island Canada by myself. Not only am I going to go, but I am going to drive there. I am admiditly nervous about it. Mainly because aside from a couple of day trips I have gone no where alone for overnight, let alone a week. A work trip here or there excluded.

One of the main things I am look forward to is how photogenic PEI is. I can't wait to break out my tripod (s) and my camera and take millions of pictures.

From the native flower the Lady Slipper to the Beach, to the inn that I am staying at. The Inn which is aptly named Kindred Spirits is within walking distance to both the beach and Green Gables. It offers free breakfast, and is centurally located on the island so traveling to all the points of intrest are only at most an hour's drive.

With less than five months to go before the big trip, I need to get my passport. (Which will allow me to travel any where in the world should I have the cash and choose to. Or if I win the lottery I can run away for a while)

There is only one thing that absolutely terrifies me......Driving over this:
The Confederation Bridge: Is the World's longest bridge over Ice-Covered Water.

Now granted I am going in the summer but if you know me, you know that I "White-Knuckle" the steering wheel for little bridges. Eeeeeek.

*Please note the phots in this blog were taken by Rolf Hicker. He's got some really great travel shots.. http://www.hickerphoto.com/  Check him out!

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