"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step"-Lao Tzu

Friday, May 14, 2010


I knew going into this whole thing that there would be sacrifices. Lots of them for me to be able to take this trip. Well it turns out that the ultimate sacrifice will be made... I have to cancel my trip for this year. I simply cannot afford it this year. I think it will be a 30th birthday present to myself instead of a 29th birthday. So in lieu of a trip to Prince Edward Island wonderland, I am still going to go on some sort of an adventure this summer I am just not sure what exactly that adventure will be.

Buy the Canon Rebel that I want desperately
Go on a couple of overnight road trips
Get in the car and drive... who knows where one might end up.
Take a Literary Tour of New England.

Any suggestions?

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