"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step"-Lao Tzu

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Worth it?

Taking this trip will be single-handedly the most independent thing I will have ever done for myself. But it does not come without it's hassle. That hassle comes in the terms of one big ugly word: BUDGET.

In order to take this trip I need to pay for a little over half of it before I go. In order to pay for this portion ahead of time I have to keep to my budget.

For those of you who know me, you understand how hard this is for me. This means I have to actually go grocery shopping with a list, and not waver, it means that I have to cook more, eat at home almost always, and means that I will need to entertain myself with the books, that I have for the next 5 months.....

So to sort of offset this, I have decided to venture into a little home business called AVON. I have a meeting this week to sign up to be a rep. I think that I will be good at selling AVON cause I know a lot of people, and darnit people like me. (So here's my shamless plug: If you are interested in a catelog let me know)

I know that once I am standing on the red sands, inhaling the salty cool air, walking from my room to the Green Gables house, and visiting several lighthouses camera clad just like every other crazy tourist that it will all be worth it. Right?

Who knows, maybe I will actually like budgeting and keep to it..ha!

On a side note, I am super excited about my trip and am looking forward to seeing the places that I already have highlighted in my Island Guide, my map, and my travel kit that was sent to me by the tourism bureau of PEI. I have a few tips from the Innkeepers, and and armed with all kinds of information. I am still a little nervous about gettng my passport cause I am not really sure what I am going to need. 

Is it sad that I am on a first name basis already with the Innkeepers?

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